
7 Things I Want Right Now

I was gonna make it 5 but I'm a greedy greedy girl. 

I'm going from left to right:
1. This maxi dress I found on the internet it's SPRING*  when I get back to Tokyo!! = the best weather ever!! It's warm enough for a dress but still cool enough not to sweat your balls off in whatever outfit you're wearing! 
**(click through for a pic of sakura/cherry blossoms I googled; it's later going to be replaced with a link to a pic of me frolicking in a park full of them so stay tuned)

2. Chirashi Sushi My love for this dish started one rainy afternoon in Tokyo when I was looking for a quick lunch before I headed to a job interview. It was 3pm and around that time most of the restaurants were closed (it's a Japanese thing I think? not sure) except this one sushi place. They gave me a lunch menu and served me this beauty and ever since then I've been having random cravings for this dish.


3. Rack of Ribs with Curly fries I recently just got my two bottom wisdom teeth out so it's forced me to eat soup, yoghurt, and ice cream for the past few days. It's gotten better so I can eat some things, but on the first day while I was chipminkin hard I had the most intense craving for ribs ever. I can't wait 'till I get my stitches removed so I can eat these finally eat those racka ribs (with no curly fries because i don't think tony roma's does curly fries D:)

4. Chocolate Chip cookie skillet w/ ice cream because who the hell doesn't want a big ass chocolate chip cookie with ice cream in it???? Tell me who and I'll wish bad things upon them

5. Wild Flour's Grilled Cheese w/ Tomato soup & Caesar salad I had this last week before I got my wisdom teeth removed and let me tell you you haven't lived until you've tried this. I've always been reluctant to order this because it sounded so plain and boring but I'm so gonna have this for lunch tomorrow I promise* 

**(This will be linked to a pic of me having it for lunch tomorrow get ready
update: click through for a pic of my lunch~he he he he)

6. A Cute Tokyo Apartment I've been looking at apartments because I'm so sick of the hour-long commute to school from my dorm. It's been such a hassle especially on weekends when I wanna explore (read: eat at diff restaurants #fatass) on weeknights and weekends. It's a 20-minute walk from my station and though it sounds like no big, it's an utter turn off when I think about leaving my room in the freezing cold in the winter/blistering heat in the summer. I'm looking for an apartment in the city so it's more convenient (and closer to the food) (and that's a stick figure of me standing on the bed)

7. and finally, last but not the least the Crew! After posting about them and seeing some statuses on facebook about how it's been a year since they flew to Tokyo for Spring semester, I've been watching old videos and looking at photos and I really can't believe it's been a year. I miss them so much and I'm glad that despite the fact it's been awhile since I've seen them we still keep in touch. ♥︎

*Bonus: 8. my Gooby! These couple days have been really tough for me and I'm glad he's been with me through Skype but I really really wish he was with me right now :( This was a pretty obvious want so I planned not to put it so I didn't look so needy but at the end I decided whatever I'll do what I want

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