
2017 Debrief

With semesters and school holidays dividing my years in segments, life was more predictable in a sense that my yearly goals consisted of things like "pass this class" "get this grade" or "travel here during this holiday." 2017 is the first time my year and my plans weren't structured around school or graduating, and accordingly so, despite the heartache and hurdles that welcomed me, I'm so glad to say I'm ending the year a different and happier person than when it began. 
While my past few years were tumultuous to say the least, I feel like this year was when I learned to grow from all those experiences and be thankful for what I've already had. These are some highlights of my 2017: 

F I T N E S S 
Obviously first 'cos #CrossfitIsLYF YA'LL. Seriously though, I joined two competitions where I got to push myself mentally and physically-- I'd never seen this version of myself before. It gave me the discipline I thought I never had in my diet and lifestyle, honed my ability to put mind over matter (though I still have so much to work on) and finally put my insecurities about my body to rest... or at least have muted them for longer periods of time. It's now that I can relate to all the cliché fitness quotes I see on Instagram. This year I've realised my capabilities and I'm excited to see the lengths I can push myself to next year. I also lowkey hope next year is the year of abs *fingers crossed* 

F U N 
For at least a couple years I'd been so focused on the negative that I forgot to have fun. I had stopped going out, rarely hung out with friends, and ultimately just dwelled on what made me upset. This year I stopped sulking, looked up from the floor and found out there was so many things to be happy about. 2017 was actually the most fun I've had in a long time and I'm thankful for everyone responsible for it. 

F R I E N D S H I P 
I can't even put into words how grateful I am of the people that I've been blessed with, old and new. This year I've made meaningful friendships with people and have grown and truly appreciated the friendships I already have. I am so grateful to have all these people in my life. 

L O V E 
In this department it was definitely a roller coaster. Everything about it was unexpected, but I'm so glad that everything turned out the way it did. To you, you know who you are and what you mean to me :) 

T R E V O R 
I GOT A CAT THIS YEAR AND HE IS THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE I COULDN'T HAVE ASKED FOR A BETTER BABY LOVE <3 Before him, I was completely clueless about cats and actually preferred dogs.. But there's something about earning a cat's love that feels more rewarding. 

2017 was definitely a series of learning experiences, and it's brought me great sadness but unequivocally more happiness. Some important lessons I have from this year that I will take with me for next: 1, be mindful with everything in your life (in love/friendships, in nutrition, in any action you take), 2, it's the challenges in life that make you more human, and finally, cats are an underrated pet (in Manila at least) and don't deserve the hate they get. I 10/10 recommend getting one if you are considering it. 


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