
My Comeback Blogpost

I've been wanting to come back to this blog for a while now but I didn't know what to write about. My life has been (comfortably) uninteresting but I've had the urge to write SOMETHING for about a year now.

I know I wanted it to be of some sort of use to people. No more spewing shit about how "terrible" my life was at 20 years old— newsflash 2016 Sabina: your life wasn't over 25-yr-old you is doing just fine.
I specifically wanted to write things that would empower people to be their best selves, as corny as that sounds.

Because since I've moved back to Manila, I've shared so much great energy from amazing people: friends, acquaintances, or people I follow on Instagram that don't know of my existence I know their whole life story. Right now I can safely say I have a good mix of people in my life that teach me a lot of things— some teach me what NOT to do (who could this be? Is it you? You'll never know! haHA!) and many I look up to. I've learned so much from them and they've completely changed my perspective on so many things and I feel the need to share it or just put it somewhere so that I could refer back to it in the future.

I feel like one of our purposes here as humans or whatever is to empower each other to do good things and make the world a better place in their own way.

While this is a far cry from skipping school to rally in front of a government building about climate change, I'd like to revive this blog and share some valuable lessons to whoever comes across this blog. But if no one gets to read this, then this is my public diary and one day when we all perish, maybe I'll be the next Anne Frank to the aliens. 

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